Portfolio Goals and Designs
Portfolio Goals and Designs

Portfolio Goals and Designs

  1. As this is my first digital portfolio, I do know what to expect and in what ways it will help me. However, I do know that one of my goals as a student this semester is to stay organized and continue to turn in assignments on time. I’m not sure the portfolio will precisely help me with that as it is in a completely different platform than my other professors and it’s not as easily accessible, but it will help me hold myself accountable with my assignments. One thing that I do want to get out of this digital portfolio is to have all of my thoughts out on something I can call my own and other people are able to see my perspective and opinions. That being said, my audience is anyone who is willing to look and “listen” to what I have to say. Its for anyone who is interested. I would love my portfolio to embody calmness and anything but chaos. A place where each piece of work is easily distinguishable from the other. For me as well as for others I would like my portfolio to be a place where they are able to see a different perspective from theirs and possibly even appreciate and take something from it. I would like this to eb vice versa as well.
  2. As I previously stated above, I would like my portfolio to have a visual design that is overall calm and is able to give off the essence that my work also gives. Organization and the visual design of my portfolio is a vital aspect when looking at the goals that I want to achieve. I will make sure that my work is clearly labeled and named to ensure that not only I, but also other people that are looking at my work are able to differentiate one post submission from the other. As the semester goes on I am sure that my post will get much more hectic and overwhelming with more work but nonetheless I want to remain concise and clear all throughout.

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